Wine Down Friday: Undercard 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon

Happy #WineDownFriday! We’re drinking 2018 Undercard Cabernet Sauvignon.Amanda-It tastes…blah.☹️Ben-Crab Apple-y.?Jill-Vague blueberry taste.☹️Mary-Smells good. Tastes bitter.☹️Have a great weekend!

Share Your Space: Desert Dancer & Koko Jo

If your house plants didn’t like what Koko Jo was playing, how about our Willie & Cindi (2 of our Desert Dancers)? These muscial figures come in a large & small size.

Zoomed In: What do you see?

This is the last close-up photo today. Check back later today, if you haven’t guessed which piece this is.

Zoomed In: What do you see?

Happy Monday! Throughout the day today we’ll be sharing some close up photos of one of our pieces. Can you tell which piece it is?